Lookup MSK Server Names
Lookup MSK Server Names
Navigate to the MSK Management Console. Then click on your MSK cluster name to see the details.
Check your selected region
Make sure you have selected the desired region, such as US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1
If you followed the Create MSK Cluster guide then click on the MSK cluster named aklivity
to see the details.
Click View client information
in the Cluster summary
section to show the Client integration information
The Bootstrap servers
section shows multiple DNS names with ports, such as:
- b-1.
- b-2.
- b-3.
Each of these bootstrap server names are in the format:
- b-#.
The remainder of the DNS name after b-#
is the same for the DNS name of each Kafka server in your MSK cluster, so the wildcard DNS pattern is:
- *.
Note that the colon and port number are not included in the wildcard DNS pattern.