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Zilla Runtime CLI


Zilla Runtime CLI

The Zilla Runtime command line interface uses the Zilla Runtime Configuration to control and observe the Zilla runtime.


zilla dump

Feature Coming Soon

This is currently on the Zilla roadmapopen in new window. Star and watch the Zilla repoopen in new window for new releases!

The zilla dump command creates a pcap file that can be opened in Wireshark. Using the Zilla dissector plugin, Wireshark shows detailed information about the internal state of the current Zilla instance.

-a --affinity <affinity>

Only dump the frames that match the specified affinity mask.

-b --bindings <bindings>

Only dump the frames for the specified bindings.

-i --install <plugin-directory>

Install the dissector plugin zilla.lua to the plugin directory of Wireshark. This is only necessary if you run the dump command for the first time or if you want to update the plugin to the current version.

To find the Wireshark plugin directory navigate the menu: About Wireshark -> Folders -> Personal Lua Plugins; or use this command:

tshark -G folders | grep "Personal Lua Plugins"

To find out the plugin version navigate the menu: About Wireshark -> Plugins -> search: zilla; or use this command:

tshark -G plugins | grep zilla

You may need to reload Lua plugins from the menu: Analyze -> Reload Lua Plugins or with the keyboard shortcut (Command+Shift+L or Ctrl+Shift+L).


./zilla dump -v -w zilla.pcap -i ~/.local/lib/wireshark/plugins

-v --verbose

Show verbose output

-w --write <output>

Write the pcap output to this file.


./zilla dump -v -w zilla.pcap

zilla generate

Feature Coming Soon

This is currently on the Zilla roadmapopen in new window. Star and watch the Zilla repoopen in new window for new releases!

The zilla generate command generates a zilla configuration file from an OpenAPI or AsyncAPI service definition.

The command currently has templates for the following common scenarios:

  • openapi.http.proxy - create an http proxy config based on an OpenAPI service definition
  • asyncapi.http.proxy - create an http proxy config based on an AsyncAPI service definition
  • asyncapi.mqtt.proxy - create an mqtt proxy config based on an AsyncAPI service definition

You have to specify which template to use, the OpenAPI/AsyncAPI service definition as the input file and the output file name you want the generated zilla config to be saved.

zilla generate -t <template> -i <input-file> -o <output-file>

-t --template <template>

The template to use for the config generation.

-i --input <input-file>

The OpenAPI/AsyncAPI service definition.

-o --output <output-file>

The file name you want the generated zilla config to be saved.


./zilla generate -t asyncapi.http.proxy -i my-asyncapi-service.yaml -o zilla.yaml

zilla help

The zilla help command shows help information about available commands, or more information for a specific command.

zilla help [command]


./zilla help start

zilla metrics

The zilla metrics command provides metrics for each binding in the configuration.

zilla metrics

Optionally specify a binding name to output metrics for that binding only.

zilla metrics [binding-name]

--namespace <namespace>

Filters bindings by namespace


./zilla metrics echo_server
namespace    binding         metric                    value
example      echo_server    stream.opens.received        24
example      echo_server    stream.opens.sent            24
example      echo_server    stream.closes.received       24
example      echo_server    stream.closes.sent           24
example      echo_server         13
example      echo_server             13
example      echo_server    stream.errors.received        0
example      echo_server    stream.errors.sent            0

zilla start

The zilla start command resolves the Zilla Runtime Configuration in a zilla.yaml to start the runtime engine.

zilla start


-v --verbose

Show verbose output

zilla start -v
name: example
    type: tcp
    kind: server
      - 12345
      - 12346
    exit: echo
    type: echo
    kind: server


Defaults to # CPU cores available

Worker count

zilla stop

The zilla stop command signals the runtime engine to stop.

zilla stop


zilla tune

Feature Coming Soon

This is currently on the Zilla roadmapopen in new window. Star and watch the Zilla repoopen in new window for new releases!

The zilla tune command tunes the mapping from runtime engine workers to bindings.

zilla tune [NAME=VALUE]
./zilla tune
xxxx  example.tcp
xxxx  example.echo
./zilla tune example.echo=2
..x.  example.echo
./zilla tune
xxxx  example.tcp
.x..  example.echo